Est. 2021

Our Story

During a vacational trip through Chile, we’ve encountered our beautiful nature and wildlife to the fullest.

In the middle of our veranda, there was a solanales plant with such colorful flowers. Just before the sun was setting, we had the delightful moment to observe a hummingbird at closest range to the flower, enjoying the sweet and fresh nectar of it.

While witnessing this magical moment we started to realize, that we, the human beings, need to protect this wonderful and unique nature with all its animals and species.

We founded co2libri with the vision, to produce sustainable fashion with a high clima neutral standart. And while you purchase one of our products, you give something back to the nature. Check out our Projects for further informations!

Every day we aspire to act and work worthier for the environment. Become a part of the community.

Core Values

We stand for organic produced, eco friendly fashion and fair payments for farmers. Your Order is fully compensated from cotton cultivation to the delivery of the clothes. It is our goal to enhance the sustainability in the modern fashion.
